Do It Yourself Cannabis Eats and Beauty Simply Done | Cannabis Culture

There are many CBD and THC instructional web pages that offer little more than a wing and a prayer when it comes to following and hopefully re-creating complex cannabis recipes. Viewing the rapid fire selection of nameless YouTube videos assume you already know everything there is to know about cooking with cannabis and drinking, makes following a recipe almost impossible!

That is until I came across a lovely Facebook Group named Cannadish. In fact, they invited me to join. Very kind, thank you. They offer something that I have never seen before, at least not in this format. What they do is similar to the bartending resources that I used to watch by my late-friend, Gaz Regan. He called it mindful bartending. Regan’s work was so inspiring. I’d love to see his mindfulness translated to the cannabis community. I think Cannadish has created something unique and therefore exciting.

– Read the entire article at Forbes.