Products by SeC’s popping East Van Pop-Up Party – Cannabis News | Marijuana News | Medical Cannabis News

Products by SEC is fast becoming one of Canada’s most popular edibles makers and it’s not hard to see why. If you have a look at their edibles, it will really make you believe in the magic of gummy art as some live up to (or may even exceed) the beauty of even that famous Venus de Milo gummy from that classic Simpsons episode.

I mean, have you seen their Rosebud gummy? This semi-rare edible is not only gorgeous to look at, it’s also Products by SEC’s most potent edible, packing a whopping 800 mg of THC!

But the people at Products by SEC don’t rest on their well-deserved laurels- they are very involved in the community and cannabis culture at large, as evidenced by the numerous pop-up parties they throw throughout the year.

Craig Ex aka The Expert of Expert Joints was at the latest one hosted by Products by Sec in East Van, and as you would expect from the home of BC Bud, the place was packed full of cannabis enthusiasts, creatives, entrepreneurs, social media influencers… and those under the influence, too!

People like @bong.bae_, Gibson from Gibsons Glassworks, @savvystonedgirl, @stonerspicee, Adam the Budder Chef, Straight Cannabis editor Piper Courtenay, and author of The Little Book of Cannabis Amanda Siebert

Also in the mix were some of the best flower that craft cannabis has to offer, go-go dancers, non-stop dabs, and more! There was even a Joint Rolling Competition, so if you’ve ever been curious about how your own joint rolling skills add up, make sure to check it out here.

For more information about Products by SeC, including their tips on how to find the perfect edible and why they consider edible making to be modern alchemy, check out the CLN feature on Products by SEC here.