Warren Bobrow, ‘The Cocktail Whisperer,’ Shares a Mexican Canna-Punch Recipe for Your Month of May | Cannabis Culture

Because the flavor of this craft cocktail has everything to do with the buzz, I want to make sure that the person who enjoys this drink is filled with reverence for the holiday that they call Cinco de Mayo.

I think the holiday of Cinco de Mayo is more of a good excuse to get happy than the actual meaning of the day — as far as I know it’s the Mexican Independence Day — but for all intents and purposes, its Tequila & Weed Day for me.

And the way that I think involves infusions — not tinctures or oils, or dare I say those things they are putting in cocktails called CBD drops. Hemp is what that is. Not at all what I work with, so please don’t expect it.

– Read the entire article at Benzinga.